In a World of Our Own

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Date with Brian

I had a date with Brian today...for dinner and movie

Dinner was at cha chan ting at Central

and we watched Harry Potter...

The movie didn't turned out to what I had expected...the trailer looked damn nice...but whole movie was quite disappointing..

it was so draggy that halfway through the show I was getting bored and sleepy already...

I would say this is the worst of all 4 Harry Potter movies

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Chicken Little

Who says cartoon are only meant for the kids?.....

Caught "The Chicken Little" movie in Malaysia...theatres in Singapore are not showing it yet....

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it was a superly cute cartoon movie....

I never know that chicken could look so cute...

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But...he's not my favourite character...

Fish-out-of-water (that's his name) is...

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the characters in the movie have cute names Foxy Loxy, Goosey Loosey, Buck Cluck, Morkcubine Porcupine, Turkey Lurkey......their names cute ya...

I know I have said it alot of times.....

the cartoon is so cute....wanna watch it again cause I missed the front part...*damn*

Monday, November 21, 2005


Many newspaper articles have tried to inform people about the safety of their maids due to the increasing rate of maids falling out of the windows while cleaning...

apparently, whoever it is living opposite-above me obviously didn't educate their maid about it...

cause...these are what I saw while having lunch at home...

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a maid trying to clean the windows...I believe she's standing on a chair

I kept looking at her....

and she came out with more stunts...

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HALF of her body is already out of the window...

for god's sake...doesnt she know how dangerous and easy it is to just fall to her death...from 11th storey !!!...

I really ponder

did her employer stop her from doing that?


the employer actually made her do that?