In a World of Our Own

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Squiddy's Birthday cum April Gathering

hi peeps, i'm STILL alive and kicking.........if it's not because junie kept pestering all seafoodies to blog, think i will not even return back to blogging.......haha.....even crab was "forced" to update hers.......if we dont, junie will refuse to send us anymore pics.....

it's been long since i long that i even forgot my password and I have to spend some time trying my luck typing in different passwords but i still couldnt get in the end, i have to click that little "forget your password" button to retrieve it....

anyway, it's my 5th month into the job....working life is so monotonous.....wake up, go work, eat, go home, do some work and always complaining that time is too short for me, i'm always rushing for time.....but i still manage to dig some time to go drinking, kickboxing and shopping every week, to make my life easier....haha.....i still hate the life of waking up early...but hey, i'm looking forward to my pay day every month....and looking forward to any public holidays for me to snuggle up on bed longer.....and right now, i'm looking forward for my little trip coming 2 weeks later....took some day off for a short vacation....i really really need that.....BADLY.....

okay, enough of the above......

it was squiddy's birthday on Friday.......and seafoodies celebrated with her at zouk.....

it was supposed to be dinner with squiddy and crabby before heading to zouk, but in the end they couldnt make i had to have dinner with brian.....lucky i have him, cause i didnt want to head home and come out again.....

the time to meet was 1030pm........squiddy, prawny, crabby and i reached first...clammy was still at home when we called her at 1030........she's waiting for her friend to come pick her up.....

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the birthday girl

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while waiting for the clam

we spent quite some time waiting for her........she was super late....only reaching at 1130.....haha....

so we went was bloody crowded....we have to squeeze our way through to find squiddy's friends...

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squiddy, eekoon and friends (cant remember the guys' names)

we switched over to zouk for awhile coz clam has friends there.....and clam bought us apple shooters to toast to squiddy.....

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toast to you

and there were more drinks from squiddy's friends as well when we head back to phuture.....

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drinks, drinks and more drinks

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caught squiddy drinking....she was quite a goner that night....haa.....

amidst the drinks....we danced the night through.....

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and more of photo taking.......

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junie and I went back first........i still have work the next morning.....and junie was exhausted coz she was out the whole day.....if not we could have stayed longer..... =(

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PS: i promise to blog more...when i got the time.....